Heiio!! Today I went to Jakarta Fair :]] Today is the first day of Jakarta Fair 2012.. Really happy because I came on the first day!! :)) Actually my brother recommended it about at 08.00 p.m >> when my mom and dad got home from work.. I never went to Jakarta Fair on 08.00 p.m beforee -.- I always went there about at 04.00 or 05.00 p.m every years.. but today?? :P HAHA
I just brought my digital camera and my itouch with me. I didn't bring my phone because I kinda bored with it.. I don't know why I easily bored with my phone. So.. I leave it at home and maybe one week after this I will turn on my phone again :)) But.. I really confused.. Why I never been bored with my itouch or even other gadget but only my phone? Weird right?~~ umm.. forget about my phone and back about Jakarta Fair ^^
me. ready to go!
When I was on the way to Jakarta Fair.. I taught that there must be so much people because it was the first day.. BUT?? It wasn't like I taught!! Not so many people were right there!! It was weird.. but it was a good thing.. I don't really like a place with too much people. When we arrived there, my dad bought the ticket for us. After got our own ticket, we came inside. Not really crowded. Then.. our first place was the Ocean Pacific store. Every year we always went there.. but I could just stand there for half hour maxx!! That place was so full of people and the dust were like everywhere @@ So after I choose some clothes I like I went outside.. I went to the Body Shop store, and there was some promotions. Actually I really want to buy the body butter, but when I came inside I forgot to ask my mom to give me some money.. so I just went out with nothingg~~ =.=
Then.. I came back inside the Ocean Pacific store to meet my mom and I ask her when will she get out from that store. But she still choose some clothes for my brother. OMG! I can't easily breath right there.. The dust were disturbing my nose and made me really really really hate that place! After seing my mad face.. my mom ask me to buy noodle outside with my brothers. My dad gave me some money and yeaah! finally I went out from that place!! :D Bring my little brother made me a bit worried because he couldn't be quiet -__- He could walk by his self and I was like.. aaaaa. I must follow him or if he suddenly lost I'll be the one who got blame! That's not fair laaa. But after think about it for many times, it also right if I was the one got blame. I was his sister.. it's my duty to guard him. I told him how dangerous it would if he lost and blablablaa~~ I made a long story until he keep quiet and want to listen what I said to him :D Yeaay
When we were walking through many kinds of food store, wallet store, shoes store, and many moree to find the noodle store.. We found the Fiesta Store!! They sold some food like chicken nuggets, sausage, siomay, fried meatball, and much more! love those foods♥♥ Then we bought some.. Mine was sausage, chicken nugget, and siomay. and my brother *Bryan* was sausage, chicken nugget, meatball, and siomay. And my other brother *Filbert* only bought one sausage because he didn't like the other kind.. But.. When he was eating his sausage.. someone suddenly made his sausage fallen.. poor Filbert.. His face was likee. umm.. so mellow laa!! HAHAHA #why I'm so evil??# Then I ask him did he want to buy the new one.. but he said he didn't.. He just want the noodle.. Indomie noodle. He said he want the Ayam bawang flavor.. but I couldn't found which one sell it.. So we just bought the Rendang flavor.. the newest flavor from Indomie. My brothers like that flavor.. but mee? >.< I didn't like it!!! :'( Ohh! the price wasn't expensive :)) It's only Rp 10.000,- for one portion and we also got drink :))

my sausage, chicken nugget, and siomay
sorry for the bad quality
our drink from buying the noodle
People who sold some snack only for Rp 10.000,-
my brother *Filbert* who ate the noodle on the street. My recommendation because there wasn't any place left we could sit and eat with peace.. so I ask him to sit right there and he was so calm eating that noodle.
Mine.. because I didn't like it so I gave the left to my brother *Bryan*
The noodle when it wasn't ready yet.. Actually if we ate it on the table we use the real plate.. not this thinggg
Then.. We came back to the Ocean Pacific store because my mom and dad still there, WOW? didn't they should be really bored right there? amazing!!! After that my dad paid all the clothes and we went out from that store. Yeaay :D We went to buy drinks because we really need water!! While we were walking around to see what can be buy.. we heard there was people sangg. and Bryan told me that it was SMASH (our country's boyband) who was performing on the stage.. at first I didn't want to go inside and watch them.. but because I don't know what to do anymore.. so me, Bryan, and my mom come inside and watch their performance.. Not bad :]] Pretty good laa~ I took some picture also record video from my camera. What did the camera used for if I didn't use it anyway? Well well well. I love to be inside a show or a performance.. I really like to watch someone who sang in front of me.. Dunno why.. I just like it.. even though I didn't even know what song it was or who sang it.. If the music wasn't a rock music and the singer was jumping around.. I'll like it :))
Here some picture I took :) bad quality.. sorry x(
Before see the picturee.. I hope everybody know that I wasn't their fans okay! I just took some picture :))
it was a cute little girl who was in front of me. She look so cute so I took a picture of her. forgot to rotate the pic :P
Thanks for reading! ^^